Planning & Inspiration
Bridal Looks Inspired By Your Favorite TV Shows

Sex and the City – The Knot via Getty Images
In an effort to stay positive, motivated, and make the best of the situation this past year, many of us set goals, which often involved learning a new skill or tackling a challenging project. Intentions were good starting out and we were excited to master a foreign language, finally finish those home improvements, and dust off the sewing machine. But as weeks turned into months turned into a year and counting, that initial drive ‘to make and do’ waned. Rest assured, you are not alone if during this time, comfort and solace was found in watching episode after episode of the numerous TV shows streaming online. The characters, story lines (often romantic and full of drama!), fabulous costumes, and idyllic scenery offered escapism from the harsh realities unfolding around us daily.
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