Nailah & Hasan’s Intimate Muslim Ceremony

Nailah and Hasan Wedding – Bride and Groom Bouquet – Liberty Warehouse – Jenna Cavanaugh Photography
Guests gathered under an open tent on the Liberty Warehouse’s promenade with a collective feeling that what they were about to experience would be extraordinary for many reasons. They were not only about to witness two people that they care about get married, but do so under the most extreme of circumstances brought on by Covid-19. Nailah expresses the elation she still feels when thinking about how everything worked out in the end. “We are incredibly grateful for being able to have closest friends and family join us in the midst of a worldwide pandemic. There were so many moments when it seemed so far out of reach… something that we never imagined would be possible.” Here, she talks about her and Hasan’s intimate Muslim ceremony.
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