Planning & Inspiration
Summer Fitness, Diet, & Wellness Tips For the Busy Bride

Carly & Andrew Wedding – Bridgehampton Tennis & Surf Club – Bride – Bridesmaids – Bouquets – Photography by Katie Kett
Where did the summer go?! Soaking up these final days of sun and fun is on everybody’s mind right now. But this is also a time to make eating well and being active a priority. With all the farmers’ markets and outdoor activities, we should be taking full advantage of all the healthy options the season offers.
If you are a summer bride or planning a wedding in the next few months, you’ve probably already thought about incorporating an exercise and healthy eating plan. Establishing a set routine is difficult though, when faced with the pressures of work, life, and wedding planning. You may be asking “Is it even possible to make healthy changes and find balance during right now?” We wanted to see what the experts had to say on the subject. Here, Health Coach Colette Lettieri shares summer bride wellness advice that will have you looking and feeling your best on your wedding day.
What are the most important things to consider when starting a wedding prep exercise and diet regimen during the summer months?
Summer and early fall brides are dealing with heat and humidity. You are sweating more than usual during workouts, so staying hydrated is essential during this time. In terms of diet and food, take advantage of all the fresh, in season fruits and vegetables at all the local farmers’ markets. Listen to your body – we tend to crave lighter meals and become grazers when the temps heat up. It’s like we are constantly eating, just eating less. Keep healthy snacks on hand that are satisfying and keep your energy up.
What advice do you have for someone just starting a fitness program?
Think about the part of your body you want to highlight and aim for elongated muscle tone. Pilates is great for this. I have been using an amazing app called Pilates Anytime, which offers 30 to 75 minute classes taught by the best instructors in Los Angeles.
Recently, I have been focusing on compact 30-minute exercise sessions. I am getting in a really good workout 6 to 7 days a week without the physical exhaustion that comes from longer sessions. My clients love shorter workouts during the summer – it’s so much easier to get in that morning sweat session before the heat really sets in.
Resistance bands are my go-to exercise accessory right now. They’re convenient, versatile, and can be easily packed in your work and weekend bags. Just pull them out to do exercises whenever you have free time. You can even do exercises under your desk without anyone noticing!

Resistance Bands Workout – image via
Summer is a time of farmers’ markets. What strategies do you have for establishing a healthy eating plan that takes advantage of fresh, seasonal vegetables and fruit?
At the beginning of every season, I pick up a couple new cookbooks. Look for vegetarian and vegan options – you can add seafood and meat to most dishes. There are also some amazing plant-based chefs on Instagram who are sharing complete recipes daily. My favorites are The Minimalist Baker, No Crumbs Left, Running Carrot, Hummusapien, Twist of Lemons, and Whole Foods. It’s like food porn! Just click on a post that looks good and you have tonight’s meal. Their recipes are often simple so you’re not in the kitchen for hours. Keep your pantry well stocked with spices and healthy grains like quinoa and faro. If you do delivery food services, Sun Basket ships organic and sustainable ingredients right to your door, recipes included.
Look for simple, quick-to-prepare meals. Frittatas are an amazing summer dish because you can keep adding different vegetables for variety. Especially during the summer, you don’t want to spend a lot of time cooking in the kitchen. I am always planning meals that will have leftovers, which can be used for lunch the next day or as a repeat meal. Simply add a different side to change it up. For a healthy and quick snack that satisfies the sweet tooth, make a fresh fruit salad with a sprinkle of coconut on top.
Juggling wedding planning, a job, and personal relationships can make life a little crazy. Do you have any tips for staying on the healthy track when stress hits and time seems nonexistent?
Breathing meditation apps like Headspace and Insight Timer are fantastic because they let you check out anywhere at anytime. They offer timed exercises to fit just about any schedule. Committing just five minutes a day to focus on breathing and meditation is going to have a huge impact on your ability to handle stress.
Making To-Do lists is going to help with organization and time management, two aspects of wedding planning that directly affect stress levels. If you can’t get everything done for the day, just carry the tasks over the next. No big deal, they will get done! Ask for help. Don’t be afraid to say, “I just really don’t have time. Can you handle this for me?” When it comes to fitness and diet, focus on using a balanced and mindful approach. If you splurged a little at dinner, start the next day with a clean, healthy breakfast.
It’s not just about fitting into a dress. What additional benefits will be gained from making exercise and healthy foods part of a daily lifestyle?
You want to feel good, empowered, and like your truest self on your wedding day. Instagram and Pinterest are great, but they make us put unrealistic expectations on ourselves. This is where exercise, good nutrition, and mindfulness really come into play. Sure, you may lose weight and have improved skin. But you can also look forward to a more balanced mood and better sleep, which lead to better coping skills in stressful situations. A protective shield goes up naturally and you are able to push any triggers to the side and continue to move forward. You’re more present and when your wedding day finally arrives, you’ll be able to enjoy ever second!
For more information about Colette’s services, visit + @colettelettieri
Colette’s Favorite Summertime Smoothie (Makes 2 Servings)
One scoop of bone broth powder
One tbsp of almond butter
One tbsp of maca powder
One tsp of MTC oil
Blend ingredients together. This smoothie is super filling and satisfying, and provides a chocolate fix complete with power!